Offshore Wind


ROVOP has extensive experience working in the challenging high current, high turbidity, low visibility environment often found in offshore wind projects.

ROVOP has provided high performance ROV services to the offshore wind sector since the company was founded in 2011. Offshore wind tasks are highly repetitive, therefore it is critical that they are undertaken efficiently. Any small delays add up into significantly extended vessel charter periods. Such projects demand the most advanced piloting skills of any operating sector and our ROV personnel have extensive experience in this regard, having worked on a significant number of offshore wind projects across Europe to date – including both fixed-bottom and floating installations.

Furthermore, our primary focus on the provision of ROV services, which allows for the optimal solution to be determined, adding value to your operations. Underwater, ROVOP becomes the ‘eyes and hands’ of your construction or maintenance project, providing the vital data, images and intervention. We provide ROVs specifically tailored for the conditions encountered within the offshore wind industry.

Associated services


UXO: We have a strong international track record in UXO survey tasks. We can mobilise to all vessel types – including those with restricted deck space, by deploying highly capable work class ROVs in free swimming configuration.


We have played a critical part in turbine and substation foundation installation campaigns in a range of water depths and environments to date. High repeatability in performance yields efficiencies for you, as does an on-the-job capability to solve problems – which also averts costly downtime.


We support a wide range of projects and campaigns for the offshore wind sector. Our offshore teams of skilled professionals – allied to the latest generation ROVs and sensors for inspection, alongside light and heavy work class systems and tooling for repair and maintenance – set us apart in our sector.


We understand the complexities of decommissioning projects and have a track record in the provision of bespoke, cost-effective solutions.